課程邀請| Invitation





  • 中港台時間早上9-10點
  • 中港台時間晚上8-9點

Zoom Link將會放在寄到您郵件信箱課程大綱。


Course Duration
October 22, 2024, to January 21, 2025 (12 weeks; break on December 24 and December 31)

Class Format
Before each weekly interactive discussion, please schedule your own time to watch the course videos and take notes based on the "weekly guided questions." The "weekly guided questions" will be provided below each video.

Interactive Session Times| (choose one)
9:00-10:00 AM (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan time)
8:00-9:00 PM (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan time)

The Zoom link will be included in the course outline, which will be sent to your email.


Meet the Instructor

Brian Beeson|畢萊恩 (BA, Wheaton College; M.A.T., Lee University) 是第四代牧師和宣教士。他曾在中國和美國教授英语,並担任地方教會的牧師。他和妻子 Joannie 是全職代禱宣教士,隸屬於 Modern Day Missions

Brian曾在堪薩斯城的國際禱告殿( International House of Prayer)擔任領袖職務,主要在國際禱告殿大學事奉學校(Forerunner School of Ministry)任教,並在牧師團隊中服事。他熱衷於裝備領袖,堅固教會,使他們能夠遇見耶穌。

Brian曾在北美和亞洲之特會裡分享有關先知性、末世論和禱告等主题。他和 Joannie自2013年结婚,育有三個孩子。

Brian Beeson (BA, Wheaton College; M.A.T., Lee University) is a fourth-generation pastor and missionary. He has taught English in both China and the U.S. and has served as a local church pastor. He and his wife, Joannie, are full-time intercessory missionaries with Modern Day Missions.

Brian served in leadership at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, primarily teaching at the Forerunner School of Ministry and serving on the pastoral team. He is passionate about equipping leaders and strengthening the Church to encounter Jesus.

Brian has ministered at conferences across North America and Asia, speaking on topics such as the prophetic, eschatology, and prayer. He and Joannie have been married since 2013 and have three children.

  • 6+小時可下載的視頻內容
  • 上課講義
  • 12小時Zoom直播討論 
  • 與志同道合的信徒建立社群 
  • 幫助您為主的再來和未來的挑戰做好心理準備 
  • 深化您對聖經救恩故事的理解,進而影響您的日常生活。
  • 線上討論格式包括:小組討論、直播問答以及實際應用於日常基督徒生活和事工的內容。

  • 6+ Hours of Downloadable Video Content
  • Course Handouts
  • 12 Hours of Live Zoom Discussions
  • Build a Community with Like-minded Believers
  • Prepare You Spiritually for the Lord’s Return and Future Challenges
  • Deepen Your Understanding of the Biblical Story of Salvation, Impacting Your Daily Life
  • Online discussion format includes: small group discussions, live Q&A, and practical application for everyday Christian life and ministry.

點選報名加入課程|Click to Register for the Course

課程內容|Course Content

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 1 - The Day of the Lord|第一講:主的日子
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 2 - The Final Transitional Generation|第二講:末後的轉折期世代
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 3 - The Life and Ministry of John the Baptist|第三講:施洗約翰的生平和事工
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 4 - A Call to the Forerunner Ministry|第四講:先鋒事工的呼召
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 5 - The Revelation of Jesus: Bridegroom, King and Judge|第五講:耶穌作為新郎、君王和審判官的啟示
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 6 - The Revelation of Jesus as Judge|第六講:耶穌作為審判官的啟示
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 7 - The Sermon on the Mount|第七講:登山寶訓
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 8 - Spiritual Violence 第八講:屬靈暴力的呼召
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 9 - Eternal Rewards|第九講:永恆獎賞
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 10 - The New Jerusalem|第十講:新耶路撒冷
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 11- The Controversy of Israel as The Centerpiece of Worldwide Salvation|第十一講: 爭議:以色列是世界拯救的中心
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 12 - The Controversy of Israel’s Coming Captivity|第十二講:爭議:以色列和即將到來的末世囚禁(被擄,流亡)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  課程評估 / 調查 Class Evaluation
Available in days
days after you enroll



Jesus as Judge|耶穌是審判官



  1. 課程使用哪種語言?
    課程是雙語的,旨在接觸講中文的信徒。然而,無論是英語還是中文使用者都可以參加這個課程。課程包含超過6小時的英語講課影片,並附有逐行對照的中文翻譯。學習筆記(超過100頁)和 Zoom 上的現場討論也會提供中英文版本。課程的首頁目前也正在開發中,將會有英文和中文版本。
  2. 1小時的課堂討論將包括哪些內容?
    每個課程將對於 Brian 視頻內容複習,並進行小組討論、全班討論和問答環節。與其他學員的互動將加深你對耶穌的愛以及對聖經真理的理解。
  3. 這個課程每週需要花多少時間?
  4. 如果我無法參加現場課程怎麼辦?
  5. 如果我錯過了一堂課怎麼辦?
  6. 我可以觀看課程內容多久?
  7. 我可以更換線上討論時間嗎?
  8. 如果我不熟悉使用 Zoom 來學習怎麼辦?
    我們已成功使用 Zoom 連接來自世界各地的數百位學員,並獲得了極好的反饋。線上課堂學習讓你可以不用花大量時間和金錢旅行就能與信徒和內容互動。透過分組討論、全班討論和問答,線上課程提供了與面對面學習相當的豐富且愉快的學習體驗。
  9. Zoom 會議會安全嗎?
  10. $50 的朋友推薦折扣如何運作?
  11. 我可以直接透過銀行付款嗎?
    目前,我們透過 Teachable 處理付款,一旦你註冊,就可以立即獲得所有課程內容和聯絡資訊。未來,我們可能會優化流程,使用其他付款方式以減少某些手續費。
  12. 為什麼報名費是以美元計價?
    目前我們只接受透過 Teachable 以美元付款。我們了解我們有來自各地的學員,未來可能會調整此政策。
  13. 退款政策是什麼?
  14. 如何在課堂之外聯繫我們?
  • 我們的回覆時間通常是24-48小時內。
  • 加入課程的 WeChat 群組,保持聯絡和更新。課程開始時,請查看課程大綱中的 QR 碼。
  • 電子郵件: [email protected]
  • WeChat ID: joannie822
  • LINE ID: @vxy7733t (點燃充滿聖靈的敬拜官方帳號)


  1. What language is the course in?
    The course is bilingual, aimed at reaching Chinese-speaking believers. However, both English and Chinese speakers can take this course. The 6+ hours of lecture videos are in English, with side-by-side Chinese translation. Study notes (100+ pages) and live discussions over Zoom are available in both languages. The course landing page is also being developed in English and Chinese.
  2. What will the 1-hour class discussion involve?
    Each session includes an overview of the material by Brian, small group breakout discussions, large group discussions, and Q&A. Engaging with fellow learners will deepen your love for Jesus and your understanding of Biblical truths.
  3. How much time will this course take each week?
    Expect to spend 2-4 hours per week over twelve weeks. This includes 1 hour of live discussion, plus 1-3 hours for preparation, which involves watching video lectures (20-30 minutes per week), studying notes (about 8 pages), and answering reflection questions. No homework required!
  4. What if I can't attend the live classes?
    While we only offer two live class times, you can still enroll, access all course content, and watch the recorded live discussions with Q&A, which will be posted within 24 hours.
  5. What if I miss a class?
    You won’t miss any content—our videos and recorded discussions are available on-demand. You can watch them at your own pace and rejoin the live classes when ready.
  6. How long will I have access to the content?
    You’ll have access to the content for as long as the course is hosted online.
  7. Can I switch class times?
    Yes, while we encourage sticking to one time slot for community-building, you can switch if necessary.
  8. What if I’m unsure about using Zoom to learn?
    We’ve successfully used Zoom to connect with hundreds of learners worldwide and received excellent feedback. Online classroom learning allows you to connect with believers and content without the significant investment in time and money for travel. With breakout rooms, group discussions, and Q&A, online classes offer a rich and enjoyable learning experience comparable to in-person settings.
  9. Will the Zoom sessions be secure?
    Yes, our live classes will only be recorded by us and will be posted on our secure learning platform for students to view.
  10. How does the $50 friend invite discount work?
    Invite a friend, and you’ll both get a $50 discount. Email us for the code before enrolling.
  11. Can I pay directly through my bank?
    Currently, payments are processed through Teachable, which will immediately give you access to all course content and communication once you enroll. In the future, we may streamline a process to use other forms of payment that could reduce certain fees.
  12. Why is registration in USD?
    At this time, we only accept USD through Teachable. We recognize our international audience and may refine this in the future.
  13. What is the refund policy?
    Refunds are permitted during the first week of the class.
  14. How do I reach you outside of class time?
    Response times are usually within 24-48 hours.
  • Join the WeChat group for your class to stay connected and updated. Look for the QR code in your syllabus when class begins.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • WeChat ID: joannie822
  • LINE ID: @vxy7733t (點燃充滿聖靈的敬拜官方帳號)